21 -To me, you are an Enigma

I understand it may seem a bit disrespectful to name this entry with a quote from that song, but on the other hand, I guess it’s even more disrespectful to prosecute a man who’d helped winning WWII for “gross indecency”, so in this perspective, Amanda Lear is a great choice. And I mean, just watch it. Italian TV in the seventies was unparalleled (probably remains unparalleled to this day, to be honest). Can you imagine any day-time TV producing something that looks like a scene from Eyes Wide Shut nowadays? The great dane! The kittens, for goodness’ sake! And the dressing robes with ostrich feathers. I am very jealous of that one.


Anyway, my mind and by extension most of this blog works per associations (even though – or maybe hence – neither may not make much sense more often than not), and the reason I chose this title was the sunday trip to Bletchley Park, where Alan Turing and his team helped breaking the Enigma cipher during the war.

Bletchley Park mansion

If you have any interest in cryptology, statistics, math and/or WWII history, don’t miss this. The museum is done extraordinarily well, there are many interactive bits (you can actually try decipher messages) you can go into as much detail as you like and care about basically anything concerning wartime activities at Bletchley Park. And if you are a nerd like me, you will be in paradise. You can easily spend hours there and won’t even notice.


Of course you bloody do…

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